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Ara: Additional District and Sessions Judge I B B Singh on Friday sentenced to rigorous life imprisonment till death one Pramod Kumar Singh of village Kuser Maini in Bhojpur district for killing a seven year old girl after outraging her modesty in 2014. The court also slapped a fine of Rs 1.5 lakh on Pramod Kumar Singh.

Pramod Kumar Singh of Kuser Maini village under Sandesh Police Station lured seven year old daughter of Manjee Yadav of the same village on November 5, 2014, took her to a nearby field and outraged her modesty. Later, he  strangulated her to death. A named FIR was lodged with Sandesh police station against Pramod Kumar Singh on the statement of the deceased’s father. The post-mortem report had also confirmed rape and murder of the girl. After hearing, the ADJ I awarded the punishment.

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