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New Delhi : The Ministry of Women and Child Development (WCD) finds the Lancet article dated February 24, 2022, giving estimates of children affected by Covid-19 associated orphanhood very surprising and contrary to field data in this regard.

Lancet has reported that more than 19 lakh children have lost their primary caregivers due to Covid in India. There is no doubt that the researchers have used sophisticated methodology to estimate the numbers about children, who have lost their primary caregivers, but these findings have no correlation with ground reality in India as reflected from field findings. As per field data coming from the States/UTs and being compiled as per the directions and monitoring of the Supreme Court (SC), the numbers for India are a little over 1.53 lakh, according to a PIB release.

The Supreme Court of India in SMWP no. 4/2021 had directed all the States/UTs to identify each and every child who has lost one or more of their parents or have been abandoned during Covid due to any reason (Covid or otherwise) during the pandemic period. The loss of parent could have been due to Covid, natural, unnatural, or from any other cause during the period of pandemic.

The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), in furtherance to its function as a monitoring authority under section 109 of the Juvenile Justice Act, was asked to set up a portal called “Bal Swaraj” where this data has to be uploaded. Accordingly, NCPCR has been continuously tracking all the children who have lost their parents (either one or both) due to any reason and children who have been abandoned since April 1, 2020. The data/information of each child is captured, verified and examined to extend proper care, protection and benefits to all such children. So far, 1,53,827 children have been registered on the portal including 1,42,949 children with single parent, 492 abandoned children, and 10,386 children who have lost both their parents.

All States/UTs have been directed to upload the data of all such children on the portal. NCPCR examines the data being filed on the portal and necessary communications are established with the district and State level authorities on regular basis.  In compliance to the judgement of the SC, NCPCR also files affidavits on regular basis to update the Court. The Commission has made certain recommendations for the State Government and the other relevant authorities to ensure the welfare and well-being of children.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on May 29, 2021, had announced comprehensive support for children who have lost both their parents due to Covid-19 pandemic. The objective of the scheme is to ensure comprehensive care and protection of children who have lost their parent(s) to the pandemic, in a sustained manner, enable their well being through health insurance, empower them through education, and equip them for self-sufficient existence with financial support on reaching 23 years of age.

The PM CARES for children scheme inter-alia provides support to these children through convergent approach, gap funding for ensuring education, health, monthly stipend from the age of 18 years, and lump sum amount of Rs 10 lakhs on attaining 23 years of age. So far, 4,196 children have been identified and approved for obtaining the benefits of PM Cares for Children Scheme.