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New Delhi  : Kiran Uniyal, wife of a serving Colonel of Indian Army, has created  Individual Guinness World Records for “The most full contact knee strikes in three minutes (one leg) (female), 263 strikes” & “The most full contact knee strikes alternate legs in one minute(female), 120 strikes”.

The earlier records were of 177 strikes and 102 in female category respectively. The objective of both her records were to promote martial arts for girls and women safety and self-defence. While creating the record for the most full contact knee strikes for three minutes, she surpassed the existing male category record of 226 knee strikes, according to a PIB release.

Kiran Uniyal created her 1st Individual Guinness World Record for “The most full contact elbow strikes (one hand) in 3 minutes, 466 strikes”, which also featured among the Best of Guinness World Record official video of January 2019. She has so far achieved 15 World Records, including 10 Guinness World Records in Martial Arts, Fitness   and   Social Work.

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