Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : A JD(U) worker Dharmpal Ram alias Bhoot Nath Ram, 42, son of Dukhit Ram, was shot dead by some unidentified miscreants at his his house at village Lauhar Sripal under Barhara police station (PS) in Bhojpur District in South Bihar in the wee hours on February 11, 2021.

Armed miscreants intruded the house of JD(U) activist Dharmpal Ram alias Bhoot Nath Ram at village Lauhar Sripal village under Barhara PS in the wee hour on February 11, 2021, and shot him dead from point blank range and escaped. Police recovered the body and brought it over to Ara Sadar Hospital for post-mortem.

The reason behind the incident is still to be ascertained. An FIR has been lodged with Barhara PS in this connection with the incident. Police are investigating the matter and also conducting raids to arrest the miscreants.

Hundreds of irate villagers blocked the Ara-Barhara main road with the body. They burnt tyres on road and paralyzed movement of vehicles for about five hours. They also raised slogans against the district administration and demanded arrest of the miscreants immediately and compensation to the next of kin of  the deceased. The blockade was lifted after positive response from Barhara Block Development Officer (BDO) and SHO,  Barhara PS.

SHO, Barhara PS, said that some unidentified miscreants intruded the house of Dharmpal Ram alias Bhoot Nath Ram in the wee hour on February 11, 2021, and shot him dead. Dharmpal Ram is said to be an active member of the JD(U) and the miscreants killed him when he was sleeping at his house.