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New Delhi : Second Pre-application Conference on Private Train Project RfQs (Request for Qualification) was held on August 12, 2020. The Project for Private Participation in Passenger Train Operations will bring in a paradigm shift in passenger experience by significantly enhancing the quality of service while reducing transit time and supply demand deficit through introduction of modern technology rolling stock.
The project will augment the availability of transportation services for the public. It may be noted that these trains will be in addition to trains already being run by Railways. Introduction of these additional private trains is expected to boost jobs.
The private partners for undertaking the project will be selected through a two-stage competitive bidding process comprising Request for Qualification (RFQ) and Request for Proposal (RFP). The first pre-Application Conference was held on July 21, 2020.
Post first pre-application conference, Ministry of Railways (MoR) has reduced the RFQ fee by one tenth for participating in more than one project, removed restriction of up to 3 projects per bidder, and clarified that leasing of trains is allowed, according to a PIB release. MoR has also shared traffic data, draft concession agreement, draft feasibility report, and draft manual for standards and specifications of trains etc.
As part of the Bidding Process, MoR conducted the second Pre-Application Conference on August 12, 2020, which received an over-whelming response with participation from about 23 prospective Applicants with varied profiles. The applicants highly appreciated the decision of MoR to share relevant documents of the project in a transparent manner.
The conference started with a discussion on the overview of the terms of the RfQ and contours of the project followed by a detailed discussion on the queries raised by the prospective Applicants – with clarifications provided by the officials of MoR and NITI Aayog, facilitating improved clarity on the provisions of RFQ and the bidding process. The applicants raised queries on a number of issues which were addressed to. Further, the applicants were advised to follow all instructions given in RFQ for submission of RFQ. The responses to second pre-application conference will be uploaded by 21 August 21, 2020. The due date for opening of RFQ is September 8, 2020.
The documents for the Project including RfQ, Corrigendum to RfQ, draft Concession Agreement, Feasibility Report are available on https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app captioned a “train operation”. The draft Manual of Specifications and Standards for the Trains are uploaded on https://rdso.indianrailways.gov.in/ seeking comments from stakeholders.