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New Delhi : Indian Director General of Military Operations (DGMO) Lt Gen AK Bhatt spoke to his Pakistani counterpart on July 20, 2017. Consequent to unprovoked and coordinated ceasefire violations onto Indian civilians along the Line of Control, the Pak DGMO was informed of action by Pakistani troops wherein they had deliberately targeted civilian villages and then fired at school children when they were being evacuated. This, he was told does not behove of any Army. The Indian Army as professional force takes due care to avoid targeting of civilians and Pak Army was expected to do the same.

Pakistani DGMO was also informed about the spate of Ceasefire Violations which also included caliber escalation coupled with incidents of sniping and attempted infiltration bids. Pakistani DGMO was exhorted to exercise strict control on his troops and instruct them to refrain from any nefarious activities, according to Col Aman Anand, PRO (Army). Indian Army has been taking all necessary steps to ensure the safety of live and property of Indian citizens and avoided targeting Pakistani citizens, he said.


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