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New Delhi : India logged 47,092 new Covid-19 cases in last 24 hours, up from 41,965 cases on September 1, 2021, taking the tally of cases recorded so far in the country to 3,28,57,937 at 8 am on September 2, 2021. Less than 50,000 Daily New Cases has been reported for 67 consecutive days now.

On the other hand, a total of 35,181 Covid-19 patients were declared cured / discharged in the country in last 24 hours, up from 33,964 on September 1, taking the tally to 3,20,28,825 on September 2, 2021, with the recovery rate (RR) dropping to 97.48% from 97.51% on the day before.

The Active Caseload was 3,89,583 on September 2, 2021, an alarming increase of 11,402 cases in last 24 hours. Active cases accounted 1.19% of the country’s total Positive Cases on September 2, 2021.

n a significant achievement, India’s cumulative vaccination coverage crossed 66 Crore landmark on September 1, 2021.With the administration of 81,09,244 vaccine doses in the last 24 hours, India’s Covid-19 vaccination coverage has surpassed the cumulative figure of 66.30 crore (66,30,37,334) as per provisional reports till 7 am on September 2, 2021. This has been achieved through 69,60,983 sessions.

The last 24 hours saw a total of 16,84,441 sample tests being conducted. India has so far conducted over 52.48 crore (52,48,68,734) cumulative tests.

The Weekly Positivity Rate at 2.62% remains less than 3% for the last 69 days now. The Daily Positivity rate was 2.80% on September 2, 2021. The daily Positivity rate has remained below 5% for 87 consecutive days now.

India recorded 509 new deaths due to Covid-19 in last 24 hours taking the toll to 4,39,529 in the country on September 2, 2021.