Speed Post News Network

New Delhi : India recorded 42,618 new Covid-19 cases in last 24 hours, down from 45,352 cases on September 3, 2021, taking the tally of cases registered so far in the country to 3,29,45,907 at 8 am on September 4, 2021. Less than 50,000 Daily New Cases have been reported for 69 consecutive days now.

On the other hand, a total of 36,385 Covid-19 patients were declared cured / dischrged in the country in last 24 hours, up from 34,791 on September 3, 2021, taking the tally to  3,21,00,001 with the recovery rate (RR) further dropping to 97.43% on September 4, 2021, from 97.45% on September 3, 2021.

The Active Caseload was 4,05,681 in India on September 4, 2021, an increase of 5,903 cases in last 24 hours. Active cases  constitute 1.23% of the country’s total Positive Cases.

With the administration of 58,85,687 vaccine doses in the last 24 hours, India’s Covid-19 vaccination coverage has surpassed the cumulative figure of 67.72 crore (67,72,11,205) as per provisional reports till 7 am on September 4, 2021. This has been achieved through 70,88,424 sessions.

The last 24 hours saw a total of 17,04,970 sample tests being conducted. India has so far conducted over 52.82 Cror  (52,82,40,038) cumulative tests.

The Weekly Positivity Rate at 2.63% remains less than 3% for the last 71 days now. The Daily Positivity was 2.50% on September 4, 2021. The daily Positivity rate has remained below 5% for 89 consecutive days now.

India logged 330 new deaths due to Covid-19 in last 24 hours, down from 366 deaths on September 3, 2021,  taking the toll to 4,40,225 in the country on September 4, 2021.