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Speed Post News Network

New Delhi : During last 24 hours, a total of 2,350 Coronavirus (COVID-19) patients have been cured. So far, a total of 39,174 patients have been cured of COVID-19. This means a recovery rate of 38.73% amongst COVID-19 patients. The recovery rate is improving continuously. India currently has 58,802 active cases. These are all under active medical supervision. Of the active cases, only approx. 2.9% of the cases are in ICU.

In terms of case mortality per lakh population, India has so far about 0.2 deaths per lakh population vis-a-vis approx. 4.1 deaths per lakh population for the world as a whole, according to a PIB release. The relatively low death figures represent timely case identification and clinical management of the cases.

The status of deaths per lakh population for countries having the highest number of deaths, vide WHO situation report-119, is as follows:

Countries Total Deaths Case mortality per lakh population
World 3,11,847 4.1
United States of America 87180 26.6
The United Kingdom 34636 52.1
Italy 31908 52.8
France 28059 41.9
Spain 27650 59.2
Brazil 15633 7.5
Belgium 9052 79.3
Germany 7935 9.6
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 6988 8.5
Canada 5702 15.4
Netherlands 5680 33.0
Mexico 5045 4.0
China 4645 0.3
Turkey 4140 5.0
Sweden 3679 36.1
India 3163* 0.2

A record number of 1,08,233 samples were tested on May 18, 2020, in the country. So far, a total of 24,25,742 samples have been tested. From one laboratory conducting COVID-19 test in January 2020, India has very rapidly increased its testing capacity by adding over 385 government laboratories and 158 private laboratories for testing in the country.