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New Delhi : Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (I&B), N K Sinha on October 26, 2017,  called upon the Indian Information Service (IIS) Probationers to continuously upgrade their professional skills to meet the demands of the changing communication paradigm.

He was speaking at an event in New Delhi that marked the successful completion of Induction Training (Phase I) of IIS Group ‘A’ Probationers of 2016 Batch conducted by the Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC). Sinha, who is also the Chairman of IIMC, observed that probationers provide the energy of youth that should be tied with the experience of senior officers for making Government communication speedy and effective. He also asked IIMC to include learning of one additional Indian and one foreign language as part of its IIS training curriculum. Later, Sinha presented certificates to the twelve IIS probationers who completed the training, according to a PIB release.
Earlier in his welcome address, DG, IIMC, K G Suresh noted that the communication scenario had rapidly transformed in the last few years with the advent of new technologies. This, he said, necessitated government communicators to be adequately equipped to deal with the changing media landscape and proactively use all possible communication channels to inform the citizens about Government policies and programmes.

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