Speed Post News Network

New  Delhi : Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Youth Affairs & Sports Vijay Goel on June 29, 2017, said the government is committed to take tough Anti Doping measures to provide a healthy eco-system for development of sports in the country.

Inaugurating a conclave on Nutritional Supplements for sports here on June 29 to work out a doping free model, Goel said time has now come to provide safe and quality nutrition to the athletes in the wake of increasing international competition and high incidences of dope, according to a PIB release. Goel said tackling the causes of doping is a priority for his Ministry. He said import and sale of sub-standard and dope-laced nutritional supplement is a cause to worry as an unsuspected athlete gets banned under the Anti-Doping Code because of use of these supplements, according to the release.

Goel said to protect the clean athlete and meet his requirement for quality supplements, the convergence of various Regulatory Authorities to work out a Dope Free Model for nutritional products is a good initiative. He said a collaboration of NADA with FSSAI and other agencies will have far reaching impact in improving physical fitness standards in the country and help athletes in making informed choices. Goel called upon the stakeholders to create mass awareness about doping and its vicious effects on the career of athletes.

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