Satish Aditya
Gaya  :  Amid nationwide outrage against the gangrape and subsequent death of 20 years dalit girl in Hathras, UP, a teenage dalit girl attempted suicide and died on October 2, 2020, during treatment at Patna Medical College and Hospital (PMCH), after allegedly being gangraped by four persons on October 1, 2020, night, at a lonely  place at her village under Konch Police Station (PS) in Gaya District in poll bound Bihar. Tension prevails at the village and police are conducting raids to nab the accused.

Prashant Kumar, SHO,  Konch PS, said that the mother of the girl has lodged a case of gang rape against  three named persons and one
unidentified person. The accused have fled village Garari-Balwapar after the  incident. The body was sent to Anugrah Narayan Magadh Medical College and Hospital (ANMCH), Gaya, where the autopsy was performed. Police are awaiting the post-mortem report, the SHO said.

According to the FIR, the girl had gone to  attend a birthday party at her village on October 1, 2020, night. When she was returning home
after dinner,she was  stopped by four persons of her village and was  forcibly taken to a nearby bush and gangraped by them. The girl returned  home late in the night and hanged herself from ceiling of her room .

On October 2, 2020, morning, her parents knocked at the door of her room but to no avail. They finally broke open the door of her room and were stunned to see her hanging from the ceiling. They rushed her to a local hospital where the attending doctor referred her to PMCH as her condition was critical. She narrated the  incident to her parents. She was admitted to  PHCH  on October 2, 2020, but died during treatment.