Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Buxar : Five persons died while three others fell ill after consuming Hooch at village Amsari under Murar police station (PS) under  Dumraon Sub-Division in Buxar District in South Bihar on January 26, 2022, night, exposing enforcement of Prohibition in the state in April 2016.

Police brought the bodies over to Buxar Sadar Hospital for post-mortem and admitted persons falling ill to a private clinic where their condition is stated to be  critical. The deceased were identified as Anand Kumar Singh, 28, Minku Singh, 35,  a teacher Bhrigu Singh, 48, , and Shiv Mohan Yadav,55, and Sukhu Musahar, 52. The three persons falling ill were identified as Banty Chaudhary, Sanjay Chaudhary, and Munna Chaudhary.

Villagers said that eight persons had consumed liquor on January 26, 2022, night, at a party. Anand Singh, after taking liquor, fell ill and was rushed to Sub-Divisional Hospital where he breathed his last. After some times, almost all who had taken liquor fell ill and four of them died one by one.

ASP, Dumaron, Sri Raj, said that five persons had died. He said that after getting report about the incident, police swung into action and added that the  cause of death would be ascertained after the post-mortem report comes.