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Patna: Flash flood in river Falgu inundated over 12 villages in Bodh Gaya and aslo led to suspension of road communication between Gaya-Nalanda, Manpur – Khijarsarai and Jahanabad -Hulasganj on Friday morning. Bodies of a youth and a women were recovered by the rescue team at Bodh Gaya on Friday noon. One of them was identified as Pulkhu Devi of Kachichak village.

Two women were swept away in the flooded Ghahghari river under Sherghati sub-division in Gaya district. Many cattle were also swept away by swollen Falgu at Banshibigaha under Ghosi block in Jehanabad district.

Heavy rains in the catchment areas in neighbouring Jharkhand since Thursday night led to flood in Falgu at Manpur, Bodh Gaya and Ghosi areas. Its water entered Ekangarsarai in Nalanda district too,where movement of vehicles was suspended on NH 110 as Falgu waters overtopped the NH. Administration has also stopped movement of vehicles between Gaya and Nalanda..

So far 92 people have been killed in the floods in Bihar where 17 districts are affected by the natural calamity.Ganga water level is rising in Patna where it touched the stares of the  banks at Collectorate, Kali Ghatb and Gandhi Ghat.

Meanwhile, Principal Secretary, Disaster Management Department, Vyasji, made aerial survey of flood affected diara areas in the state.


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