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New Delhi : Embryo transfer technology (ETT) has revolutionized the breeding strategies in Bovines as a tool to optimize the genetic improvement in cattle.  Department of Animal husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries in co-operation with 12 States has undertaken a Mass Embryo Transfer programme in Indigenous Breeds under the scheme, National Mission on Bovine Productivity.

It has been planned to carry out 440 embryo transfers during October 2-10, 2017, in the country. The programme is implemented with the objective of conservation and development of indigenous breeds under Rashtriya Gokul Mission. Using the ETT, a farmer can get a 5-6 fold increase in number of bovine offsprings, the calves so born will be of high genetic merit and the offsprings born will be free from diseases, according to a PIB release.
The programme was initiated at 12 ETT centres across the country from October 2 and will continue till October 10, 2017. Under this programme, embryos of higher genetic merit of indigenous bovines are being transferred to surrogate cows. Embryos of Indigenous breeds such as Sahiwal, Gir, Red Sindhi, Ongole, Deoni and Vechur have been proposed to be transferred under this programme. On first day of ET programme held on October 2, 35 embryos were transferred to recipients, according to the PIB release.
The technology now being taken up to the doorstep of the farmers will result in rapid propogation of high genetic merit indigenous cattle.

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