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New Delhi : A study commissioned by the government has recommended gradual outsourcing of ‘maintenance functions’ of the construction major, Central Public Works Department (CPWD), to reputed private agencies for improving user services, establishing benchmarks and image improvement.
This recommendation was among a set of measures suggested by Ernst & Young in its report on ‘Working and Reogranisation of CPWD for Improved Efficiency and Effectiveness’ presented to the Minister of Housing & Urban Affairs (HUA) Narendra Singh Tomar on August 31, 2017.
The report stressed on the need to redefine the focus of CPWD so as to promote it’s competency in the core area of construction for which maintenance of residential properties need to be outsourced. It was noted that more than 50% of the total strength of CPWD of 21,806 personnel are currently engaged in maintenance works which account for only 20 % of its turn over by value, according to a PIB release.
While suggesting that CPWD could continue as an attached office of the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, the report has suggested radical reorganization of business processes and decision making systems for ensuring completion of projects in time, transparency, accountability, ease of working, better coordination etc. In place of the present eight levels of processing and decision making, two to three layers have been suggested by categorizing projects into small, medium and large, according to the PIB release.
As against present mode of selection of Director General of CPWD based on seniority, it has been recommended that DG be chosen from a panel of senior officers. Extensive use of technology in the form of integrated IT based ‘Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)’ system has been recommended for effective monitoring and resource utilization.

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