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Bokaro ( Jharkhand) : With a view to creating awareness about cyber safety in the young generation and process a healthy surfing, DPS Bokaro on August 19, 2019, organised a workshop on Cyber Safety & Security and Ethical Hacking.

As evident from certain undeniable happenings, cyber crime is taking a heavy toll and in an effort to make the young minds alert, DPS Bokaro organised this programme where Ravi Kumar, an IPS officer and ASP, State Cyber Cell, was the Guest Speaker.

Initiating the session with Open-source intelligence (OSINT),  which is data collected from publicly available sources to be used in an intelligence context, the speaker informed the students about different ways to access various sites like DeHashed, z-lookup.com, Notisave, Labalabi etc. which will highly benefit them to secure their accounts and provide insight on database breaches and account leaks.

The session continued with insight on ethical hacking and some essential techniques to help children maintain their security like keeping their privacy settings on, having a secured Internet connection, choosing strong passwords etc.

Principal DPS Bokaro, A S Gangwar, in his introductory speech, said, “With the technological advancement across the globe, cyber crime is the biggest threat we are exposed to. It is imperative for all of us to be aware of the various security measures and enjoy the benefits of the digital world.”

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