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Bokaro (Jharkhand) : Acknowledging the significance of Hindi, DPS Bokaro celebrated ‘Hindi Pakhwada’ holding a series of online competitions in Slogan Writing, Poem Recitation, Paragraph Writing, Poetry Writing, Short Writing, and Positive Thoughts Competition, recently, the results of which were declared on October 28, 2020.

Principal, DPS Bokaro, A S Gangwar, congratulated the winners and appreciated the students for their enthusiastic participation. He stressed on the need of writing in Hindi literature and said that such competitions help in developing creative writing skills. “The school is committed to give its best for the development of Hindi language as well, ” added Gangwar.


Slogan Writing Class II- Aditya Anand (II A) got the first position, Parina Panda (II E) got second position while Sonakshi (II D) secured  third position.

Poem Recitation Class III- Prithu Mishal ( III B) got the first position, Ayushi (III E) got the second spot while Kavya Kumari ( III A) was adjudged third.

Positive Thoughts Class IV – Anwesha Singh ( IV D) got the first position, Amit Dutta (IV E) bagged second position while Nataliya Raj ( IV E) got the third position.

Paragraph Writing CLASS V – Shreya Mansi ( V C) got the first position, Ayushi Shree (V D) got the second position while Rantish Seth of (V D) got the third position.

Slogan Writing Group A-  Aavya Singh ( VII E) got the first position,  Priyasha Singh of class (VII A) got the second spot while  Aryan Pal  (VI D) was placed third. In Groups B- Himangi Singh (IX B) got the first position, Diya Sinha ( X A) and Akshara Roy Sharma  of (IX A) got the second position while Sarena ( IX A) secured third position.

Story Writing Group A- Shreshtha Rupam Dwivedi (VIII D) got the first position Aditya Kumar of (VIII C)  got the second spot while Sarthak Tiwary  (VI B ) got the third position.  In Group B- Vanshika Shree of (IX A) got the first position, Kriti Kumari of  (XI H) got the second position while Ananya Tanwar (IX A) and Sudhanshu Pandey (XI J) secured third position.

Poetry  Writing Group A – Priyasha Singh (VII A) and Ayushi Priya (VII C) got the first position, Pratul Saluja (VII B) got the second position while  Soham (VI A) got the third spot. Group B- Sangam Kumari  (XII I) and Anupriya (XII E) got the first position, Bhumi (IX A) secured the second spot while Sakshi Priya ( X E) was adjudged third.