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New Delhi : Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on September 29, 2017, visited the Chinar Corps in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) to review the overall security situation prevailing in the Valley. Accompanied by the Chief of the Army Staff General Bipin Rawat, Sitharaman was received by Northern Army Commander Lt General D Anbu and the Chinar Corps Commander Lt Gen J S Sandhu.

She visited the forward areas and was briefed about the robust counter-infiltration posture along the Line of Control. The Defence Minister was subsequently briefed by the Army Commander in Badami Bagh Cantonment on the prevailing security situation in J&K and was given an overview of the counter-infiltration and counter-terrorist operations undertaken in the recent past. She appreciated the effectiveness of the intelligence and operational grids and commended the troops for the excellent operational successes, which had contributed significantly towards a secure environment in the State, according to a PIB release.

The Minister complimented the commanders for the high level of synergy achieved with the J&K Police and Central Armed Police Force. Later in the evening, she called on the Governor N N Vohra and also interacted with the Chief Minister Ms Mehbooba Mufti. Sitharaman will be staying in Srinagar overnight and will fly to Thoise (Siachen) on September 30.

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