Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : A criminal was injured in an encounter with police at Manichhapara under Barhara police station in Bhojpur District in South Bihar on December 14, 2020, night. Two police personnel also sustained minor injury in exchange fire between police and miscreants  at Manichhapara when police reached there to conduct raids to arrest a wanted criminal.

The injured miscreant was admitted to a private nursing home at Ara. Later, police arrested him and one of his aides. Police also recovered a countrymade pistol, blank and live cartridges from the spot. The injured miscreant was identified as Sri Ram Bind alias Choliya Bind, 24, of village Chatar under Barhara police station.. He was absconding in connection with a loot case and police were looking for him for the last five months.

Bhojpur SP Har Kishore Rai said that he got information that a wanted criminal Sri Ram Bind alias Cholia Bind of Chatar village had come to Manichhapara along with his aides to attend a ritual. SHO, Barhara police station, Awadhesh Kumar, on the direction of the SP, conducted raids at Manichhapara. Seeing the police force, the miscreants started firing. In retaliation, police also opened fire on them. In the exchange of fire, Sri Ram Bind was injured while the police arrested one of his aides though some other escaped.

The SP said that Sri Ram Bind was arrested earlier in connection with murder of a truck driver but he was later granted bail in the case. As of now, he was wanted in a loot case at Barhara. The SP added that some miscreants had looted a motorcycle from Babura on August 28, 2020. Although police had recovered the motorcycle, the accused were absconding.