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New Delhi : PM Narendra Modi, in the 20th episode of his ‘Mann Ki Baat 2.0’ on January 31, 2021, said that the country was saddened by the insult to the Tricolor on  January 26, 2021, in Delhi. ” We have to infuse times to come with new hope and novelty. Last year, we displayed exemplary patience and courage. This year too, we have to work hard to attain our resolves. We have to take our country forward at a faster pace,” PM Modi said.

The PM said this month, there has been very good news from the cricket pitch. “Our cricket team, after initial setbacks made a grand comeback, winning the series in Australia. The hard work and teamwork of our players is inspirational,” he said.

PM Modi said the beginning of this year marks the completion of almost one year of our battle against Corona. Just as India’s fight against Corona became an example, our vaccination programme too is turning out to be exemplary to the world. “Today, India is undertaking the world’s biggest Covid Vaccine Programme. Do you know what’s a matter of more pride? Along with the biggest Vaccine Programme, we are vaccinating our citizens faster than anywhere in the world. In just 15 days, India has vaccinated over 30 lakh Corona Warriors, whereas an  advanced country such as America took 18 days to get the same done; Britain 36 days,” he said.

“Friends, today, the Made in India vaccine is, of course, a symbol of India’s self-reliance; it is also a symbol of her self-pride. On NamoApp, Bhai Himanshu Yadav from UP has written that the Made in India vaccine has generated a new self confidence within. Kirti ji writes from Madurai that many of her foreign friends are messaging her thanking India. Kirti ji’s friends have written to her that the way India has helped the world in the fight against Corona has enhanced the respect for India in their hearts. Kirti ji, listening to these notes of glory for the country also fills  the listeners of Mann Ki Baat with a sense of pride. These days, I  too receive similar messages for India from Presidents and Prime Ministers of different countries of the world. You must also have seen recently how the President of Brazil, in a tweet thanked India – every Indian was gladdened at that. People residing thousands of kilometers away in remote corners of the world are deeply aware of that context in Ramayan; they are intensely influenced by it. This is a speciality of our culture,” the PM said.

The Pm said, ” When I express Mann Ki Baat, it feels like I am present amongst you as a member of your family. Little matters exchanged that teach one another; bitter- sweet life experiences that become an inspiration for living a wholesome life…and this is just what Mann Ki Baat is! Today is the last day of January 2021. Are you too thinking, the way I am that 2021 had commenced just a few days ago? It just doesn’t feel that the entire month of January has passed by! This is what is termed as the speed of time. It feels like just a matter of a few days ago when we were exchanging good wishes with each other.”

He said one gets to know about your thoughts through your messages on Namo App and MyGov and phone calls. ” One amongst these messages caught my attention – this is from sister Priyanka Pandey ji. 23 year old Beti Priyanka ji is a student of Hindi literature and resides at Siwan in Bihar. Priyanka ji has written on Namo App that she was highly inspired by my suggestion of visiting 15 domestic tourist places in the country and hence on January 1, she started for a destination which was very special. The place was 15 kilometers away from her home – it was the ancestral residence of the country’s first President Dr Rajendra Prasad ji. Priyanka ji has beautifully mentioned that this was her first step in the realm of acquainting herself with the country’s great luminaries. There, Priyanka ji came across many books written by Dr Rajendra Prasad and many historical photographs as well,” the PM said, according to a PIB release.