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New Delhi : The second day of the 14th Conference of Parties (COP14) to United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) under the theme “Restore land, Sustain future” at India Expo Centre & Mart, Greater Noida, witnessed wide participation from various stakeholders.

Amongst various meetings conducted on September 3, 2019, a Committee meeting was held on Science & Technology with a focus on adoption of the COP 14 agenda and organisation of wor. Items resulting from the work programme of the Science-Policy Interface for the biennium 2018-19 were also discussed.

Meeting of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC) and key discussions such as, “Climate Co-Benefits of Programmes to Combat Land Degradation” were also held.  Delivering the opening remarks of the 18th CRIC session, Executive Secretary, UNCCD, Ibrahim Thiaw said, “CRIC 18 could be a real milestone. We will finalise the first UNCCD reporting process – using progress indicators and setting baselines. We will be able to measure progress in implementing the Convention against these well into the future.”

Several side events will take place every day starting from September 3, once the official meetings are closed. Various exhibitions stalls have also been set up with topics ranging from India’s Space Prowess to building coastal resilience in changing climate, according to a PIB release.

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