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New Delhi : Highlighting the efforts of ICAR in scientific water management in line with the Jal Shakti Abhiyan, T Mohapatra, DG, ICAR, and Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), on September 5, 2019, said that measures like scheduling irrigation, constructive use of water, proper crop selection, and utilising modern irrigation technologies are some major aspects which will enhance water security ensuring a high agricultural productivity.

Mohapatra awhile addressing a presser added that after initiation of Jal Shakti Abhiyan by PM Narendra Modi, over 10.8 crore farmers have been trained through the Krishi Vigyan Kendras and 371 melas were conducted across the country from July 1, 2019, till date.

Detailing the benefits of several water conservation methods, Mohapatra said that about 35-40% water could be saved and 20-25% reduction in fertiliser use could be ensured by scheduling of irrigation. Moisture sensors and automated irrigation systems, which can be controlled by a farmer using mobile phone, will help in deciding the time and amount of irrigation to be carried out. Constructive use of water, which includes use of recycled water, and proper selection of crops, also helps in enhancing water security.

Alternatives like cultivation of Fruits, Millets, Bajra, and selection of proper varieties of crops also ensure constructive utilisation of water, he said. Using Bio mulch and Hydro Gels, which ensures slow release of water, and utilising microbes that help in efficient absorption of water shall help in further ensuring reduced and proper utilisation of water in agriculture.

Explaining the objectives of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY), Mohapatra said that District Irrigation Plans have been prepared by the respective states based on the technical support from ICAR for implementation under PMKSY so that the slogan Har khet ko pani may be translated into reality. ICAR also contributed in preparing State Specific Action Plan for water sector for scientific assessment of the supply and demand side of water resources and vulnerability to climate change under National Water Mission.

Mohapatra added that steps are being taken by Government to ensure that the groundwater usage for irrigation is reduced. Water is the critical input of agriculture and about 80% of the current water use is drawn by agriculture. Out of 140 million ha of net sown area in the country, net irrigated area accounts for about 68.38 million ha (48.8%) and remaining 51.2% is under rainfed. Out of the net irrigated area, about 40% is irrigated through canal systems and 60% is irrigated through groundwater. An important challenge facing the irrigation sector in India is the growing gap between Irrigation Potential Created (IPC) and Irrigation Potential Utilised (IPU), and uneven distribution of water over the length of the canal system.

The overall irrigation efficiency of the major and medium irrigation projects is estimated to be around 38%, he added. The efficiency of surface irrigation system can be improved from about 35-40% to around 50-60% and that of groundwater from about 65-70% to 72-75%, he said.

Mohapatra added that low irrigation efficiency (35-40%), inequity in water distribution, mismatch between irrigation water supply and crop water demand, tail enders deprivation, irrigation induced salinity and waterlogging are some of the major challenges facing the canal commands. Similarly, in the groundwater irrigated command, indiscriminate withdrawal of groundwater has resulted in decline of groundwater table in North-Western and Southern regions. Contrary to this, the groundwater development in the Eastern region is sub-optimal. The stage of groundwater development in India is 63.3%. However, it is 166%, 140%, 137% and 120% in states of Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana, and Delhi, respectively, which has serious negative consequences, he said.

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