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New Delhi : In an effort to supplement the efforts of State Governments in pollution abatement in identified stretches of various rivers through National River Conservation Plan (NRCP) for implementation of projects on cost-sharing basis between the Centre and State Governments, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change on September 28, 2018, sanctioned a project for ‘Pollution abatement of rivers Devika and Tawi in Udhampur, Jammu & Kashmir.  The project is scheduled for completion by March 2021.

On completion, the project will have a significant and direct beneficial impact in terms of reduction of pollution load in the two rivers and improvement in their water quality.  As full sewerage system will be laid in the town and its entire sewage will be treated, the project will improve the aesthetics and sanitation conditions in Udhampur and support the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan towards ensuring cleanliness in the town.

The total sanctioned cost of the project is Rs 186.74 crore which will be shared between the Government of India and Government of J&K on 90:10 cost-sharing basis respectively. The share of Central Government in the project will be Rs 166.86 crore and the share of the State Government will be Rs 18.08 crore. The major components under the project include laying of 129.27 km of sewer lines, setting up of 3 Sewage Pumping stations and construction of 3 Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) of 13.60 million litres per day (mld) capacity.

The main reason for the pollution of Devika and Tawi rivers in Udhampur is discharge of untreated sewage from the town.  Presently, no sewerage system and Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) exist in Udhampur, according to a PIB release.

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