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Buxar: The Chief Judicial Magistrate, Buxar, on Monday issued warrant of arrest against a Police Sub-Inspector (SI)  Ravi Kant in connection with thrashing and threatening a journalist during last assembly elections. The SI is at present posted at Buxar Muffassil police station.

Manish Kumar Singh, pree reporter, had gone to a Middle School, Majaharia, polling booth for the coverage of election news where SI Ravi Kant beat him, santched Rs 3,200 and threatened him with dire consequences if he was seen anywhere on poll day. The SI also tore away his pass issued by the State Information and Public Relation Department for the purpose. The injured journalist was admitted to Buxar Sadar Hospital. The journalist apprised the Buxar SP of the incident but the SP did not show any interest and so he filed a complaint case in the court of the CJM. The CJM took cognizance against the SI and ordered him to appear before the court but the SI did not abide by the order of the court. The court took serious note of it and issued warrant of arrest against him.

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