Kumar Rajiv Nayan

SAra : Motorcycle borne armed criminals looted Rs 15 lakh cash kept in a bag in a car after breaking its windowpane  at Sakaddi under Koelwar police station in Bhojpur District in South Bihar on January 5, 2021, evening, and escaped.

An FIR was lodged with Koelwar police station in this connection. Police are investigating the matter and also conducting raids to arrest the miscreants involved in cash loot.

SHO, Koelwar police station, said that land dealers Laddoo Yadav alias Kunal Kumar of Dharahara locality under Ara town police station and Ranjeet Singh had drawn Rs 15 lakh from Koelwar Branch of Punjab National Bank and were returning to Ara on their car. On way to Ara, they stopped at Sakaddi to have tea. Meanwhile, motorcycle borne criminals broke the windowpans of the car and decamped with Rs 15 lakh kept in a bag in the car.

Laddoo Yadav said that they had sealed a land deal and had drawn the money from the bank to pay the land owner. The locals said that the miscreants after taking money from the car escaped toward Ara.