Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : Bihar State Bar Council has dissolved elected committee of Ara Bar Association for 2019-2021 and formed a seven-member Adhoc Committee and directed it to discharge duty till the next election of Ara Bar Association.

The Bihar State Bar Council has directed the former secretary, Ara Bar Association, to hand over the books of account and proceeding register to the Adhoc committee without delay. It also directed that the Adhoc Committee would take all necessary steps to conduct election to Ara Bar Association for the next session within the timeframe. The Bihar State Bar Council directed the Adhoc committee to inform immediately, if it faces any difficulty in taking over or handing over charge.

The Adhoc Committee comprises Nagenshwar Dubey, President, Ram Babu Prasad, General Secretary, Manan Prasad Singh, Treasurer, Vijay Chandra Pathak, Member, Rajesh Kumar Pandey, Member, Anil Kumar Singh and Rakesh Kumar Mishra.

Advocates Ajit Ranjan, Pramod Kumar Rai, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Ashok Kumar Chaudhary, Lal Narayan Dubey, Santosh Kumar Singh, Raj Kiran Kesari, Sri Bhagwan Singh, Amresh Kumar, Pappu Kumar, Vinita Kumari, Vinay Kumar, Mahendra Prasad Sinha, and others welcomed the formation of Adhoc committee and hoped that the election to the Ara Bar Association would be fair.