Speed Post News Network
Bagaha : Bagaha Referral Hospital, which was upgraded as Kamalnath Tiwari Sub-divisional hospital in 1974, needs 31 doctors but has to do with only two doctors and only 12 Grade A Nurses against a sanctioned strength of 51 Grade A Nurses. This sub-divisional hospital does not have a lady doctors creating problems for female patients needing attention from a Gynaecologist.
Inadequate release of fund and short supply of medicine are the other factors affecting the functioning of this 40 bed hospital. It needs one hundred beds but lacks wards to accommodate as many beds. Patients in serious condition are usually referred to MJK Hospital Bettiah or PMCH for proper treatment. The people visit this hospital mostly to seek injury report.
There is an ICU at the hospital but it does not function properly due to lack paramedical staff and doctors. The warranty of many equipment has expired without rendering any service. Even cases of fracture are referred to private nursing homes, sources said. The patients have to buy life saving drugs from open market.
All the important posts of doctors including that of Dentist, Eye specialist, Gynaecologist, Cardiologist, Pathologist, Orthopaedician, child specialist and general surgeon are lying vacant. The two doctors posted here including Deputy Superintendent Dr A K Tiwari and Dr SP Agarwal are Physicians. Nurses are reportedly attending delivery cases at maternity ward of the hospital. In cases of rape, the survivors have to go for medical examination to MJK Hospital, Bettiah.
Deputy Suprintendent of the hospital Dr A K Tiwari said that a lady doctor was posted here recently but she did not return after joining. Dr Tiwari said that there was an acute shortage of life saving drugs at the hospital and only 14 types of medicine are available for Indoor patients and 11 drugs for the Outdoor patients. Sources said that pregnant women get the benefit of Janani Surksha Yojana by enlisting themselves with the hospital for the delivery but they, in fact, take the services of private clinics running in and around the hospital.
The condition of the wards are unhygienic. The hospital campus has turned into a grazing ground for pigs, cows and dogs. The drain on the hospital premises stink due to poor drainage system. During summer, the attendants have to bring water from outside. Convenor of Bagaha Vikas Manch Rakesh Singh says the Manch has raised the problems of the hospital before Bihar Health minister Tej Pratap Yadav.
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