Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : Additional District and Sessions Judge 1, Ara,  Harshit Singh, has sentenced to rigorous life imprisonment to Anil Kumar Yadav and  his brothers Dhan Jee Yadav and Jitendra Kumar Yadav and also slapped a fine of Rs 65,000 on each of them in connection with murder of a student at village Baligaon  under Ayar police station (PS) in Bhojpur District in February 2020.

Special Public Prosecutor (SPP) Satyendra Singh Dara said that Pintu Baitha of village Baligaon had lodged a named FIR with this  police station alleging that his son Ankit Kumar, 15,  had gone to the field at the village to attend call of nature on February 14, 2020, but did not return home and his body was found on February 16, 2020.

The police immediately investigated the matter and found that love affair was the reason behind the incident. Police quizzed the girl and her family members and solved the mystery behind the murder. Police detected that the family members of a girl had called Ankit Kumar and threw him on the bank of the river after killing him. Police had recovered the body packed in a gunny bag. Police had lodged a named FIR against seven persons including the girl. Ankit Kumar was a student of class IX and the girl alsoa student of the same class.

The SPP said that the court had convicted three persons on September 13, 2021, and acquitted three others giving them benefits of doubt  while the girl being a minor was referred to  the Juvenile Court. After hearing both the parties, the ADJ 1 awarded rigorous life imprisonment to three three brothers and also slapped a fine of Rs 65,000 on each of them.