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New Delhi : Incumbent Chief Controller Amresh Kumar Chaudhary has been awarded prestigious ” Chief of Army Staff Commendation” for his outstanding contribution to Armed Forces during critical period of Covid19 pandemic and it’s various operations. Amresh Kumar Chaudhary is currently working as Chief Controller in Mil Rail. Chaudhary is a very sincere, hard-working, proactive, and result-oriented official with highest degree of integrity.

Mil Rail: Mil Rail is an extension of Traffic Directorate of Ministry of Railways, headed by Executive Director (ED) level officer, with office at Army HQ. Mil Rail is responsible for overall coordination, strategic planning, and execution of Railway Logistics support to Defence forces during peace and  emergency situation, according to a PIB release.

Mil Rail works in close coordination with Ministry of Defence for Railway operations pertaining to their requirements. A separate control room manages all these Railway operations which is headed by a Chief Controller.