Speed Post News Network
New Delhi : Prime Minister Narendra Modi on October 16, 2021, morning, called citizens to share their ideas for 82nd episode of Mann ki Baat which will take place on October 24, 2021. Ideas for Mann ki Baat can be shared on NaMo App, MyGov or record your message on 1800-11-7800, he said.
In a tweet, the Prime Minister said; ” This month, the #MannKiBaat programme will take place on the 24th. I invite you all to share your ideas for this month’s episode. Write on the NaMo App, @mygovindia or dial 1800-11-7800 to record your message. https://t.co/QjCz2bvaKg”
Narendra Modi
This month, the #MannKiBaat programme will take place on the 24th. I invite you all to share your ideas for this month’s episode. Write on the NaMo App, @mygovindia or dial 1800-11-7800 to record your message.