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Buxar : Police, on a tip off seized a truck and two pick- up vans loaded with at least 1,100 cartons of Indian Made Foreign Liquor(IMFL) on September 30, late evening, near village Ariyaw under Krishnabrahm police station in Buxar district though the liquor smugglers escaped taking advantage of heavy rain under the cover of darkness.

SHO, Krishnabrahm police station, said that he got information that a big consignment of IMFL was being smuggled and so he started vehicle checking braving the inclement weather. Seeing police, the liquor smugglers escaped leaving the truck and two pick-up vans behind near Ariyaw engineering college. Police seized them and brought them over to the police station. During serach of the vehicles, police recovered 1,100 cartons of IMFL

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