Speed Post News Network

Buxar: Despite complete ban on its sell and purchase in Bihar, sale of liquor is going on in Buxar district. The boozers are getting it easily though they have to pay twice or thrice the cost of the liquor. It is even being delivered  at home by the suppliers to hoodwink the police and the excise department sleuths.

The liquor sellers have spread their networks in entire district but are quite cautious in supplying liquor. Each locality has one or two persons who run liquor business in a clandestine manner and get commission from their boss. They supply liquor to those only who they know personally. The liquor sellers engage young boys by giving them a good commission. These young boys are forced to deliver the consignment at homes of acquaintances of liquor sellers. As the police and the sleuths of excise department are conducing raids regularly, the liquor sellers bring liquor of every brand from the bordering Utter Pradesh through Ganga and Karmasha rivers

Excise Superintendent, Buxar, Manoj Kumar Singh said that liquor trade would not be allowed to flourish at any cost in the area and stern action would be taken against the defaulters under new excise policy.

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