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Patna : The 73rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Bihar Industries Association (BIA) was held on September 23, 2017, on the premises of the association where the members elected 6 Office-Bearer and 27 Members  of the Executive Council (EC) for the Session 2017-18. All Office-Bearers including Members of the Executive Council were elected unanimously. The General Body elected unanimously K PS Keshri as President of Bihar Industries Assocaition for 2017-18 while Arvind Kumar Singh was elected Secretary General. 

Sanjay Bhartiya  and Shiv Kumar Maskara were re-elected to the post of  Vice President. The General Body also elected Ramesh Chandra Gupta as the third Vice President and CA Subodh Kumar Goel as Treasurer. The Members elected unanimously 27 Members for the Office of Member Executive Council against the post of 30 members.

The AGM adopted resolutions on Industry, Banking & Finance, Energy, Taxation, Road,  Road Bridge, Airport, Railways and Bridge, Environment and Labour Laws.The resolutions include suggestions related to the Industrial development of the state and Central & State Governments have been requested to consider them, according to a BIA release.

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