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Hajipur ( Vaishali) : Five armed criminals riding two motorcycles, in a sensational broad daylight dacoity, looted nearly Rs 1 crore cash from Karnpura Branch of HDFC Bank under Town Police Station (PS), Hajipur, in Vaishali District in North Bihar, on June 10, 2021, soon after the bank had opened. It is biggest bank heist in the state in recent years.

Confirming the bank dacoity, Vaishali SP Maneesh said five criminals looted nearly Rs 1 crore cash from the HDFC Bank branch. Police remain clueless about the identity and whereabouts of the criminals involved in the dacoity though they are looking into the CCTV footage and sealed the area.

Five criminals, according to sources, entered the HDFC Bank soon after it opened for the day on June 10, 2021. They bolted the door from inside and then made all the bank employees and even customers present inside the bank captive at gun points, looted nearly Rs 1 crore cash, put them into bags, and escaped unchallenged. They also looted about Rs 40,000 cash from a customer.