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Bokaro ( Jharkhand): In an exceptional performance, 20 students DPS Bokaro students have qualified for the State Level Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (VVM) 2020, a national programme jointly organised by Vijnana Bharati, NCERT, and Vigyan Prasar with the objective to identify knowledge seekers in Science and then nurture them for higher level of science education.
Amongst the schools that participated in the prestigious VVM  Test from Jharkhand, DPS Bokaro took away the lion’s share to qualify for the next round from the state. Out of the 120 students who have qualified from Jharkhand, 20 students are from DPS Bokaro.
The candidates who have qualified to take  the state level examination are: Harshit Prakash, Yasharth Gautam, Ritanmay Mishra, Kumar Anmol, Aryan Kumar, Aditya Ratna Jha, Shreshtha Rupam Dwivedi, Aditya Raj Chauhan, Shashank Nandan, Tamanna Ray, Shigra, Ishita Ghosh, Anamika, Ayush Kumar, Aditi Shikha, Anshu Priya, Rishi Divya Kirti, Akshat Kumar, Arya Singh and Shikhar Sharma.
The state level examination for this test  that critically analyses the scientific acumen of students will be conducted next month after which the qualifiers  will make it to the National Level of VVM. VVM examination includes Written Test, Observational Analysis of Video Clips, Situation Problem Solving, and Hands-on Activities.
Principal, DPS Bokaro A S Gangwar, expressed his happiness over the achievement of his students and said that this is the outcome of their hard work and perseverance under the proper guidance of their teachers.