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New Delhi : A two-day exhibition on DAE spin-off technologies for non-power applications organised by the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India, got underway at New Moti Bagh Recreation Club, New Delhi, on August 11, 2019. The exhibition was inaugurated by Secretary, Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), Rakesh Gupta, on August 11. The exhibition is open to public for two days (Aug 11-12, 2019).

The exhibition is covering technologies developed by Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advance Technology, Indore, and other units of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), which are useful for the common man in day-to-day life e.g. in the field of health, agriculture, water, food security and environment.

In health sector, there are three segments  i) Development of Radio Pharmaceuticals ii) Production & Distribution iii) its implementation for diagnosis and therapeutic  application. The treatment of Cancer managed by Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH), a fully autonomous aided institution of DAE, provides comprehensive treatment to cancer patients.  Medical devices for Tele-ECG, Bhabhatron- A Radiation tele-therapy machine, screening of TB and Cancer are on display.

DAE has developed 44 high yielding seed varieties by inducing mutation to suit local weather conditions across the country. DAE has also developed technologies of fertiliser production from bio-sludge and encourages organic farming. The disease resistant, low maturity period and high yielding crops have been well accepted by the farmers. Rural technologies are also being made available to rural youth through ‘AKRUTI’ programme.

DAE has developed technologies for clean water to fulfil departmental requirements and as spin-off developed many techniques which find applications in ultra-filtration membrane, RO membrane, multistage flash evaporation and water hydrology based on radiotracers. Low cost water filters for removal of all contamination from drinking water have been displayed.

DAE technologies are finding a lot of applications for Swatch Bharat Mission where bio-methanisation & Urban Sludge Hygienisation technologies are being deployed across the country.  “Nisargruna” plant is a bio- Methanisation plant for digesting kitchen food waste and green vegetable wastes from agriculture markets to Methane gas which can be used for cooking/generating electricity or even for running biogas vehicles.  This plant can digest animal waste from slaughter house also, according to a PIB release.

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